Focus On Your Business, We'll Handle The Pests

Commercial Pest Control Solutions

"They always are very understanding of my needs and also take it to the next step and offer to call my tenants personally to discuss their issues before making an appointment."

Bonnie Plenn

Cosmopolitan Apartments








Which Pests Will Peerless Protect Against?

We can provide satisfactory control of virtually any vulnerable insect pest or rodent. Below are just some of the most common pests we are asked to treat for. Please feel free to call and inquire about any other insect you don't see listed.

Mice & Rats
Bed Bugs
Bees & Wasps
Centipedes & Millipedes
And More

Choose a Plan That Fits Your Needs or Call and Let Us Help You Decide

One Time

Please Call Us For a FREE estimate.

For Your Safety and Peace of Mind All Technicians Have Undergone A Background Check.

Expertise in Protecting these Industries

Barber Shops & Salons

Restaurants & Food Service

Food Markets


Medical Offices

Recycling Plants

Tenant Occupied Properties

Manufacturing Plants


Senior Living Facilities

Comm. Outreach & Non-Profits


Government Organizations

Religious Organizations

And More

We love to partner with real estate management companies. We'll make it easy on you by scheduling directly with your tenants (at no cost).

We Understand Your Concerns

Pests are more than a nuisance - they can have a huge impact on your business and it's profitability. Unsanitary conditions, failed inspections, damaged infrastructure, ruined merchandise, and unhappy customers are just some of the hazards of a rodent or insect infestation. We understand how impactful this can be to a business and how important it is to quickly gain control. But gaining control of existing infestations is only half of what pest control is. The other half, just as important, is preventing future problems from arising. This is part of what's referred to as IPM, or Integrated Pest Management. Peerless uses the highest quality products in the industry, products that are backed by scientific and real world testing so that your business can focus on what it does best.

Our Treatments Are Safe

Safety is a top priority. There are important rules dictating which methods of control can be used in different business environments and where they can be applied within the building. These rules ensure the safest approach to pest management and ensure the lowest risk of hazard for humans and non-target animals. Peerless stays up to date on these guidelines and only employs the safest means of control with a plan tailored to your specific business, location, and preferences. Over the years the EPA has pushed the industry toward products that are safer and safer for people and the environment. We will only use what is necessary to control your pests and never over-apply chemicals or baits. We will also take factors into consideration such as who will be around the treated areas.

Results When You Need Them

Our team is not new to the industry and this isn't a temporary step in their career. We hire industry veterans or train passionate people who tend to stick around for years because we give them what they need to thrive at their craft. While other national chain companies put strict limits on the amount of supplies each technician can use each week, we allow our technicians to decide for themselves what they need to keep your business free of pests. They use their 10+ years average experience, paired with our company's more than half a century of experience to attack the source of the problem rather than repeatedly treating the visible symptoms and failing to gain satisfactory control.

Which Plan is Right For Me and How Much Will it Cost?

Read Below to know what goes into a treatment plan recommendation and estimate

Short Answer:

There are too many factors for consideration to just hand out generic pricing. Please contact us with details of your business, property type, size, and pest problems you're facing so we can develop a customized plan for your business and an accurate quote. We may need to do a free on-site estimate.

Long Answer:

There are several factors that determine the right plan as well as the cost. A startup cost will be added to the first treatment to cover the added time and material we will use to bring your pest problem under control as quickly as possible. Read below to learn what goes into determining a protection plan and price quote:

Your Business is Unique
  • The size of your business' building is one factor in determining cost. A larger building requires more time and material for proper treatment.
  • The type of business you have will usually affect how often you require treatment. Bakeries, restaurants, grocery stores, food processing facilities, and other businesses that handle food will often need more frequent service due to the high availability of this food to the pests.
  • A clean and well kept environment will reduce the severity and likelihood of an infestation occurring. However, it's often not feasible to completely remove all access to food from pests. For example, a grocery store cannot un-stock the shelves every night to prevent rodents from accessing the merchandise. This is why it's important to schedule a protective treatment on a regular basis, especially in an attached home.
  • Is your building brand new? Well established? As your building ages it will become more susceptible to pest infestations due to cracks or other openings in the walls, around doors and around windows. Once a rodent chews a hole it will be a possible point of entry for future pests until it's been repaired. Sometimes these holes are difficult or impossible to access and repair. These factors can affect how often you need treatment.

Your Pest Problem is Unique

The types of pests you are encountering will also determine how often you need treatment. Bed bugs can be a tough pest to eliminate but it's usually possible with a thorough treatment and one follow-up treatment two weeks later. A monthly plan is not necessary for bed bug control. Ants can often be eliminated without ongoing treatments. Roaches are different and due to the way they easily spread to nearby buildings, ongoing treatment is often required to maintain control.

Pests vary widely in their behaviors and the approach to controlling them will vary depending on the species, where they are living and how large their colony or population has grown.

Your Environment is Unique
  • Is your business located close to tall grassy fields or a wooded area? Is there an unkempt empty lot nearby? Rodents, ticks, and wildlife are more likely to be an issue when you are nearby a property that isn't manicured.
  • Are there closed-down factories or empty buildings nearby? Abandoned buildings can be breeding grounds for pests and the populations in these buildings will continuously spread out to surrounding areas in search of a new supply of food and open shelter.
  • Is your business located near warehouses or an industrial zone? These large buildings, which may or may not be treated and can be difficult to gain full control of, are also common breeding grounds for pests. The type of pests these buildings harbor can vary depending on what they store or manufacture. Rodents, for example, are very often found in these places.
  • Are you in a dense city, like Philadelphia, where neighbors' pest will easily pass from building to building through small gaps in the walls? Construction and road work often disturbs nests and sends a flood of pests into surrounding structures.

All of the above factors will determine how often you should have your business serviced. The more factors you have working against you, the more frequently you will need service so we can maintain control of the pests.

After 70 years in business we understand how important it is to keep things running smoothly.

Pests are a hazard to customers, employees, products, infrastructure and a fundamental threat to your business. We know how important quality pest control is and we are dedicated to helping you maintain and keep that control from day one.

Veteran Technicians

Our technicians have years of experience to draw on when confronting your pest problem.

Veteran Oversight

Our lead pest expert has more than 35 years of personal experience. We then combine our collective expertise to ensure your problem has a viable solution.

Let's Get in Touch

Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you shortly.

Get In Touch.

Peerless Pest Control is based in the historic city of Philadelphia.


5246 N. 5th St.

Philadelphia PA, 19120

West Philadelphia

6150 Market St.

Philadelphia PA, 19139

(215) 324 4719

(215) 324 4720


* Required | We don't share your information with anyone.



(215) 324-4719

5246 North 5th Street

Philadelphia, PA 19120

(Phones active at 9 a.m.)

Hours: M-F 10am-5pm

Sat: 10am-3:30pm


West Philadelphia

(215) 324-4719

6150 Market Street

Philadelphia, PA 19139


Hours: M-F 10am-4pm

Sat: 10am-3:30pm



Please Note the Recent Change in Winter Store Hours

Winter Store Hours

(Closed Mondays)


(215) 324-4719

5246 North 5th Street

Philadelphia, PA 19120

Hours: Tues-Fri 10am-5pm

Sat: 10am-3:30pm


West Philadelphia

(215) 324-4719

6150 Market Street

Philadelphia, PA 19139

Hours: Tues-Fri 10am-4pm

Sat: 10am-3:30pm